Saturday, July 11, 2009

Jesus Chris is Perfect Theology by Bill Johnson

We are told to always preach the Scriptures and not preach our experience. The reason for this is rather logical. When we preach our experience rather than Scriptures, we change the standard that God set for our lives. Plus it creates room for a lot of bad theology.

In that light, none of us would ever preach that a little bit of sin is OK or that sin is inevitable or to be expected. Yet who of us has lived without sin since our conversion? We hold to the conviction that we must proclaim the truth of the Scriptures and not preach our experience. The redemptive work of Jesus was far too great to tarnish through such compromise. Instead we proclaim what the Bible teaches--that we were made righteousness in Christ--knowing that doing so is necessary for us to attain to the fullness of what Jesus accomplished for us. "If anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous" (1 John 2:1). It says "if" not "when." Strangely, many seem to tolerate preaching our experience when it comes to miracles, signs and wonders. That is why there are many among us who preach that some sickness is just not going to get healed. Why? That is our experience. Instead of finding out why there was no breakthrough by seeking God in prayer and the Word, it just seems easier to blame our lack on the sovereignty of God. It has been this way for generations. But it is no more legal than to teach "moderation in sin." As long as we preach our experience, our experience has little opportunity to improve.

There remains only one reasonable example to follow. It is Jesus Christ, who is perfect theology. Following that example without compromise will eventually bring about what we all long for--Jesus Christ, the resurrected One, to be seen for who He is by the world through His body.

1 comment:

Christopher Hopper said...

Rock on! Saw your channel on YouTube. Praise God for all you're doing to bring the Kingdom near! Blessings on you all out west! ch: