Friday, October 24, 2008

The Beginning

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:9-10

The Lord's Prayer. Simple. The Father's will for heaven is the same will He has for this earth, a will that is perfect and blameless. The cool thing? He has given us the Holy Spirit (John 14) so that we can be His ambassadors in taking His will to others. He wants us.

For years people have been praying for this atmosphere of Jesus' bold love to come, and He, as always, has proven faithful. We merely have to be good stewards of this atmosphere and usher it into the norm, into the true reality of what His kingdom on earth can look like.

The following stories are ones of healing, salvation, and boldness, all meant to encourage the body of Christ and to point all praise to Him who is deserving. If you have a testimony you would like to give, please share it with us in a comment and we will put it up!  Testimonies will be added shortly I promise, and once they are, please send this link to people you know will be impacted.  

Christ's Peace and Love to you!
-John Longshore


Jayson aka Avant-Nard said...

Blessings and peace from Columbia and the usc house of prayer!!

Charron Conley said...

I wanted to share this story because I'm realizing I should have been sharing it sooner and it I guess confirms (I'm not really sure if that's the right word) what the little thing on the side of this blog page is saying but hey I guess better late than never.
In the beginning of September of this year for about 3 weeks straight except for one time of 24 hours and one separate time of 12 hours I saw the time 11:11 every 12 hours and when that happens you starts to wonder "why on earth do I keep seeing this?" So I go and talk to my girl Ashley and she asks what book are you reading right now and told her John and she told me to flip it open to John 11:11 which says: and this is Jesus talking, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but now I will go and wake him up." So I just read it and completely glossed over it didn't think anything of it and I continued to be confused and Ashley looks at me and says Charron what if God's telling you He's about to wake up the church. First off awesome, amazing that He's going to do that (which now I'm extremely stoked it's going to happen because the revival we're praying for in Clemson has to start with the church <--Those are Ashley's words not mine) that but second I was extremely frustrated because I figured you know I'm the one that has been seeing 11:11 why didn't I think of this. So the days go on and I still am seeing 11:11 every 12 hours about three days later so I say well that has to be more to it and so I decide to read the entire story of Lazarus being raise from the dead and what hits me hardest is verses 9 and 10 of John 11: 9Jesus replied "There are TWELVE HOURS of daylight every day. During the day people can walk safely. They can see because they have light in this world. 10But at night there is danger of stumbling because they have no light." We are in a time of darkness in our world it is not hard to see that this world, this earth is crying out to the Father so we as Jesus told us we are the light to the world, must be just that so that we can keep people from stumbling in their times of darkness.

Charron Conley said...

So Tuesday, October 14 2008 I didn't go to class the entire day and for the first time of me skipping class I didn't have that bad feeling inside because I had this feeling that God wanted to tell me something and because I was able to just play my guitar and sit in my room all day just enjoying sitting with the Father, I was able to learn that He wanted me to go speak the gospel in front of my psych 309 class that meets at 9:05 on mwf and he wanted me to do it the following wednesday (a week and a day after He told me). So wednesday rolls around my teacher finally gets there at 9:04 and it takes me a little bit for me to get the courage to go up to him and ask him if I can say something before class starts and he asks me if it can wait until after class because he couldn't focus and completely unsure of if that was ok I just said I guess so. (waiting until the end of class was a blessing because God got me from oh my goodness I have to do this to this has to be done.) So finally the end of class and I get up and I'm pretty sure I say this: "Yall I just need to tell you that God loves yall so much and Jesus Christ died on the cross so that you wouldn't have to go to Hell and my prayer for yall is that you receive that gift of salvation." Once I was done I all but ran out of Brackett (if there's someone reading this that doesn't go to Clemson it's one of our academic buildings) because in the middle of what I was saying after my professor had already ended class he said and class is over and as I was busting through the doors to get out of the classroom I heard him say "I apologize I had no idea that's what was going to be said." From that point on I was consumed with fear the entire day and thought it was God trying to teach me how to do things better the next time but much later at night I learned that it was satan trying to tell me that I had done wrong by running out and I talked to fast and people didn't understand what I said and in that moment realized satan has no power over me because the Father has given power and authority over him to us. Praise the Lord for the peace He and only He can give.